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Saturday, November 08, 2008
平均一个星期两次,谁叫年尾是摆酒的好日子,我知道这不是最近不断“发福”的借口,馋嘴加上没运动才是真正的理由。。。看到老冯(Young Pong) 结婚咯,新郎哥年过三十是不是还很Baby face 呢?hehe..恭喜恭喜,那天听他在台上对新娘清唱一小段的“分分钟需要你”好感动,这个小男孩长大咯。。。哈哈!
Research Assistant, having a peculiar habit of reading too much philosophy books as early as when she was a teen. But nowadays spending more time in observing real life rather learning it from books. Spending sometime in fighting against unjust hegemony, she believes that righteousness works together with mercy to serve the world better. 生于山水槟岛,现居新朝雪州,处于弯曲背谬的时代,眼见群狼得意共舞,依然相信上帝的公义必然会实现。
wah...that is a very special event and moment of my life. The tune is still in my head. Obsessed and pampered with properities. hehe...
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